
Menampilkan postingan dari 2023

Autumn Rain

He was like the autumn rain Quiet Peaceful Calm He never shared anything Not his emotions Not his memories Not even his thoughts It was just us and there was no sound Everyone else was the sun I loved them as well But they were loud Their voices were like thunder They talked and it rumbled Supposedly to fill you with energy But I was just too tired Sometimes I just need some quiet Just me and my thoughts That's why I liked him He was quiet He was beautiful Just like the rain He was calm Just like the rain But I soon learned Over time That he was just cold Just like the rain And no matter how peaceful No matter how lovely  No matter relaxing he was He was cold like the rain He provided no warmth He was never there Never when I needed him He just left me Yet I always love the rain As it pours down How it patterns on to the concrete I loved it But it hurt me so badly It gave me nothing It made me sad Was it even worth it I once thought so But now all I know  Was that I loved but had t

Blue Rose

He was a rose Tragically cliche But mine He was my rose He had petals Softer than silk A touch that melted He had a bright crimson blue As vibrant as the sun And that was sign one He had all the compliments Of a natural green  Hidden inside sign two And his gorgeous leaves Large, serrated, beautiful leaves Revealed sign three Finally found the thorns That pierced through skin But that was ok  Because I loved them Them I loved him Roses I loved roses I grasped on tightly As it cut deep inside Crimson drips down But that's ok Because he told me he loved me Or at least I knew he did He wrapped around  My bleeding hand Trying to stop the scarlet But the more he tried To more it poured  Like the mourning sky I'm sorry he cried It's ok I replied For I loved him It's not his fault That he was so perfect yet flawed in some design He was my rose A tragical beauty Painful and deadly But the touch of his petals The kiss of sapphire And I was his My rose My blue rose My beautiful b

April 20, 2023_To Myself Now.

I know it kills you that you will probably never get an apology from them. So I will be the one to apologize to you.  I'm sorry that you let the wrong one in. I'm sorry they didn't see how precious your heart is.  I'm sorry that you feel deceived by who they pretended to be.  I'm sorry that you questioned yourself when you're simply someone who wants to give others a chance.  I'm sorry they didn't hear your voice. I'm sorry you feel embarrassed and ashamed.  I'm sorry that you are scared of what the future holds for you. I'm sorry people lie.  I'm sorry someone preyed on your vulnerabilities.  I'm sorry they tainted the concept of love for you.  I'm sorry they don't respect your boundaries.  I'm sorry you didn't respect your boundaries.  I'm sorry you keep quiet to keep the peace.  I'm sorry you had to beg for the bare minimum.  I'm sorry you never came first.  I'm sorry you feel used. I'm sorry for

March 22, 2023- Something about lingering feels

In a moment, you can feel very happy but at another time you feel really hopeless. It almost feels like what have you done and been through all this time doesn't add up to you as it feels like you are not enough. one bad feeling that unconsciously stirs you up to the hollowness of mind. You know that you are grateful but on another side, you feel empty because of that one lingering feelings that haunt you. You tend to miss that person's appearance, presence, and voice even though you know that person won't be in your life again. You know how bad to miss that one person that always has a special place in your heart. Because you know that happy moment won't come back either way. Have been through shit and met the ending where you know it is not good for your life to keep that one person you hold dear most all this time. You know that all your tears have been used up for that one person. The hurts. The betrayals. All years you invest in. All the journey. It is hard to keep

March 20, 2023 - Man Down

Today is the last day before Ramadhan comes. I feel like I need to take care of myself of the negative things that happened in my life. Once, I invest my life in the wrong person. I have known this person for a long period of time. I never take him for granted. It is purely connected to what I did in the past couple of years back.  When a man doesn't wanna change, he will find a girl that's ok with his lifestyle, so that he doesn't have to grow up. That's why these weak men will accuse a strong woman of having an attitude, but she actually just has standards and boundaries. She's not gonna put up with your foolishness and she's gonna require you to be a good man, and eventually, you're gonna leave and accuse her of being too masculine or independent for the simple fact she held you accountable for your actions. Ladies, don't ever think you're not good enough for a man, sometimes you're just "too much" If someone thinks you're too mu

March, 18 2023- Egoist

Sometimes life did not treat you or go like you want. but it is okay. be brave and bold to take another passageway. if a tree struck down the street that you take you always have the chance to wait or to go. Whether you waiting for someone to help and lift the giant fallen-blocking tree or you can always go away and take another route. it will have the same or at least a similar ending goal point.  Everybody keeps themselves busy, as they are the main characters of themselves in this little world. So you are! nobody will give a fuck about you anyway, your hardships, your journey, your process. it does not matter, thus human beings only find themselves relative if they have achieved something good, have privilege, and focus only on their result. your life is not about how you perceive other people but instead how you perceive anything, such as information, data, opinion, emotion, and decisions that can happen within a series of chronology that will happen to you in 1,2, or even 10 years